Friday, July 1, 2016

TOOLs To REMEMBER YOUR SELF_WORTH, MORE SELF_ESTEEMInstant Transformational Hypnotherapy

Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy: SUNDAY at 2PM:

Here’s a tool you can try using if you have any feelings of insecurities of self-esteem issues.
This final tool is a powerful way to shut down the meaning making machine from creating beliefs about people’s judgement or opinions of you. It also helps combat negative childhood indoctrination, where you might have been cause to feel unworthy as a child.
Simply think about what it is about you as a human being that you love.
Is it your sense of humor? The feel of your hair or the shape of your feet? Did you leave a big tip for your last waiter? Maybe it’s your commitment to daily personal growth. Or the fact that you have a good amount of cash sitting in a bank account. Or maybe it’s that you’re broke but still happy, or that you solve complicated problems at work?
Is it your way with animals? Your musicality? Your jump shot? That awesome meal you cooked last night? How you kept your cool when your child spilled milk all over the restaurant floor?
You can identify qualities that are big or small, but you must pinpoint three to five things every day that make you proud to be who you are.
This is the same exercise I do with my son that I described in previous blog posts. You’re doing it now, too. And while it’s not for your children — it’s for your inner child.
Marisa Peer suggests that all of us have a child within who never received all the love and appreciation for the qualities that we prized in ourselves that we sought at that age. We can’t go back and fix the past. But we can take responsibility to heal ourselves now by giving ourselves the love and appreciation we once craved.
So think about a quality or an action of yours that made you proud today. Maybe nobody else told you that they appreciated it, but it’s time that you affirmed it for yourself.
I believe the best thing we can do with outdated beliefs is to let them go gracefully. Turn them into history. Let’s celebrate our extraordinary ability to evolve emotionally, mentally, spiritually throughout life, taking on new ideas, thoughts, philosophies, and ways of being and living. 
First you make your beliefs. Then your beliefs make you. And when you go out in the world, the world will support your beliefs– Marisa Peer
If you’d like to discover more about reshaping and upgrading your beliefs, Marisa is holding a free masterclass, “Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy.” In this class, Marisa will guide you through 8 powerful transformations to help you clear negative mental models and adopt the same mindset of the world’s top 1% of over-achievers.
Simply click here or on the banner below to sign up to the date and time most convenient to you — so you can start transforming your life today.

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