Wednesday, February 14, 2024

 Dear readers--

          A Best-seller, Statism Its CYCLES in Mexico & Romania focuses on statism, that had been with us since the XIX Century, once nations were formed in Europe, and the world. This book is about statism, definition, cycles, and trends in World history, especially, in Mexico, as well as Romania.

How Anti-Statism defeated the Soviet Union, and centralization of power, and how liberal democracy won in the U.S., and Eastern Europe. The real story behind the backstage of the Cold War through the twentieth century up to present days.

How Anti-statism works, planning economies are also analyzed with statistical data for each country in chronological order. How we succeeded in surpassing tormenting issues in two continents, and trying o resolve post-modern problems, including hundreds, not dozens of Obstacles to Development (age-old half-solved, half-understood, and accumulating faster than any can be “solved”.

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An exhilarating read, find the Author on Amazon too, type in the title: STATISM It's Cycles In MEXICO & ROMANIA, direct link, On amazon,

For you, a gift for Valentines Day: E-mail me for a free copy of the book, in digital format:
Book review possibilities on Amazon.

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