Friday, April 24, 2015

Best medicines-- Tinctura de Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm): Side Effects and Dosage

Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm): Side Effects and Dosage:

Anti-anxiety plant, fragrant and healing:

BRAND NAME: Lemon Balm

DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Lemon balm is a plant used as an herbal supplement. It may have antiviral activity against some viruses, for example, the herpes virus as well as calming effects. It active compounds in lemon balm are caffeic acid and tannins.
PREPARATIONS: Lemon balm is available in tea, tincture, and cream or ointment formations.
STORAGE: Due to many manufacturers producing each formulation, storage requirements may vary based on individual product.
PRESCRIBED FOR: Lemon balm may be used digestive aid, increase appetite, flatulencegenital herpes, and insomnia and anxiety.
Discuss all herbs and supplements you are currently taking with your health care professional.
  • Tea: Use 1.5 to 4.5 gram leaf in 150 ml water to prepare 1 cup of tea, as needed.
  • Tincture: Take 2 to 6 ml by mouth 3 times a day.
  • Cream/ointment: Apply 1% of a 70:1 extract to the affected area(s) 2 to 4 times a day for up to 14 days.
Symptom Checker.

Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) (cont.)

Pharmacy Author:
Medical and Pharmacy Editor:
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Lemon balm might interact with thyroid medications and sedatives.
PREGNANCY: Pregnant women should not take or use lemon balm.
NURSING MOTHERS: Women who are breastfeeding should not take or use lemon balm.
SIDE EFFECTS: Side effects of lemon balm are hypersensitivity reactions, sedation, and skin irritation.


Helpful READINGS connected to this topic:

Monday, April 20, 2015

These special omega-3s beat depression - - Gmail

USE EPA _DHA daily:

Miraculous combination for YOUR BRain: 

Those basic building blocks include omega-3 fatty acids. And numerous studies indicate that the rapid increase in the rate of depression in America has increased as our consumption of omega-3s has declined over the past 50 to 100 years.3
When it comes to the brain, we are talking particularly about the omega-3s called docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, or DHA and EPA for short.
The human brain is 60% fat, almost entirely comprised of omega-3 fatty acids. Without these omega-3s, the brain cannot build or maintain high-quality cells.
DHA concentrates in the brain's gray matter, especially the "mood zone."  It becomes part of the cell membranes and helps electrochemical signals jump between brain cells.
But DHA cannot work alone. It needs EPA to control inflammation and to stabilize the brain's metabolic processes.
If the brain cannot get enough DHA and EPA, it uses second-rate materials and creates second-rate brain cells that can't do their job properly. Studies show how the brain needs EPA and DHA to ward off depression and suicidal tendencies.4,5,6,7
Our ancestors consumed plenty of these omega-3s from wild plants, grasses, fish and seaweed. They also ate wild fauna that fed on the wild flora. Today, we're more likely to eat farm-raised, corn-fed salmon or corn-fed beef. So our vegetables and our meat end up deficient in omega-3s. 
Replenishing the Omega-3s has worked wonders. And numerous studies back up the experience of the patients who come to my wellness clinic.8 Omega-3s reduced symptom severity in patients with bipolar and unipolar depression, as well as ADHD.
But maintaining healthy Omega-3s is also the best way I know of preventing depression, even when the stresses of modern living assault you from every angle.
Most mainstream medical experts recommend eating two servings of oily fish a week. The best sources are mackerel, herring, salmon, trout and fresh tuna. This kind of diet should provide between 800 mg. and 1,000 mg. of those vital omega-3s per week.
But after years of tracking my patients' omega-3 levels, I know it is almost impossible to get enough EPA-DHA from your diet.
Based on my experience, you need at least 500 mg. of DHA and about 60 mg. of EPA — EVERY DAY!
Without a doubt, supplements are the best way to boost your EPA-DHA levels... although though not just any supplement.
If you use fish oil, you're likely to run into the toxicity problems you face if you were to eat fish every day.
Fortunately, there are better alternatives. I recommend krill oil and squid oil to my patients.
The tiny shrimp-like krill do not live long enough to absorb large amounts of toxins. And squid live miles below the ocean, far from the pollution on the surface.
And krill oil has another advantage. Its omega-3s are stored in phospholipid form instead of triglyceride, which helps DHA cross cell membranes better and explains why it is so good for brain function.9,10,11
I always recommend combining krill oil with natural astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that can help DHA cross the blood-brain barrier even more efficiently.
So if you want to live longer and smarter, this is one of the easiest ways to improve your chances...
Take at least 500 mg. of DHA and 60 mg. of EPA from a combination of squid oil and krill oil with astaxanthin.
And make sure you take them with meals, so the DHA and EPA can be digested properly.
To Your Good Health,"

These special omega-3s beat depression - - Gmail: "Those basic building blocks include omega-3 fatty acids. To Your Good Health,"

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Orasul-fantoma in care toata lumea vrea sa lucreze - autoritatile ofera mancare si case gratis

Orasul-fantoma in care toata lumea vrea sa lucreze - autoritatile ofera mancare si case gratis:

O statiune atragatoare pentru cautatorii de munca salariata, concetatenilor mei Romani, invitatie: 

Orasul-fantoma in care toata lumea vrea sa 

lucreze - autoritatile ofera mancare si case gratis

Orasul-fantoma in care toata lumea vrea sa lucreze - autoritatile ofera mancare si case gratisFoto: wikipedia
Un orasel cam ras de pe fata pamantului in urma cu aproximativ 100 de ani de un incendiu devastator a devenit peste noapte o atractie pe piata locurilor de munca, dupa ce autoritatile au anuntat ca le ofera case si mancare gratis celor interesati sa lucreze aici.
Micutul oras Garnet din Montana (SUA) face parte dintr-un proiect al autoritatilor americane, care doresc sa-l transforme intr-un punct turistic, dupa ce in urma cu 103 ani a fost distrus de un incendiu, conform Daily Mail.

In acest sens, autoritatile din SUA au publicat un anunt intr-un ziar local in care mentionau ca cei interesati sa lucreze la dezvoltarea statiunii vor primi mancare si locuinte gratis. plus carte de rezidenta,  verde.

Desi sunt doar patru locuri de munca disponibile, reprezentantii biroului de forta de munca au fost luati prin surprindere de numarul mare de persoane care si-au manifestat intentia de a veni in Garnet. Nu e de mirare, in conditiile in care anuntul a devenit viral pe Internet si a primit peste 32.000 de share-uri pe Facebook.

"Telefoanele au inceput sa sune aproape imediat. A doua zi dimineata aveam deja 130 de e-mailuri si nu se stie cu exactitate cate telefoane. Oricum, telefonul a sunat toata dimineata! Au fost oameni care ne-au contactat din Africa de Sud, China, Marea Britanie, Germania si din toata SUA. Erau mai multe persoane care ne-au sunat decat numarul locuitorilor din Montana", a declarat Maria Craig, un purtator de cuvant al Biroului pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca din regiune.

                                 Garnet, orasul fantoma

Pe langa facilitatile oferite de autoritati, oamenii care au aplicat pentru acest loc de munca au mai fost atrasi si de povestea locului. Despre Garnet se spune ca este un "oras-fantoma" atat la propriu, cat si la figurat. Bazele oraselului din Montana au fost puse in 1860 de minerii aflati in cautare de aur si argint, insa in 1912 a fost devastat de un incendiu si abandonat cativa ani mai tarziu.

Chiar daca orasul a fost restaurat, el a ramas pustiu, iar putinii localnici spun ca zona este bantuita de fantomele fostilor locuitori. Turistii care au trecut prin Garnet au marturisiti ca au auzit muzica si rasete, in special iarna, plus zgomotul unor usi trantite in zone in care nici nu se aflau usi." Wau suna ca si Campulung-Moldovenesc, In Romania. Curaj, sunati si aflati!


Reading: Grid Modorcea este Mort dupa America, carte fff buna, recomand:

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Visiting Researcher At UCLA, without salary Job |

Visiting Researcher, without salary Job  CHICANA STUDIES DEPARTMENT|

Open Nov 4, 2014 through Jun 30, 2015
The UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies invites highly qualified applications for temporary, without salary, positions as Visiting Assistant Researchers, Visiting Associate Researchers, or Visiting Researchers. Qualified candidates with a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in Chicana and Chicano Studies, or related fields, are encouraged to apply.
Various opportunities for non-UC faculty on leave from their home institutions exist to collaborate with UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies faculty members on research, professional development, mutual exchange of knowledge, methodologies, and technical training. Outstanding candidates in all fields will be considered. Applicants must provide their own financial support, including health insurance and Visa fees for the duration of stay.
The University of California, Los Angeles, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy, see UC Nondiscrimination & Affirmative Action Policy at ~~~
  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
  • Statement of Research - Description of your research (past, present and future)
  • Letter of Invitation - Visiting Researcher invitation letter from UCLA faculty sponsor
  • Objective Statement - Statement must indicate dates of stay and objective of visit
  • Financial Support Statement - Documentation verifying financial support and health benefits for duration of visit
  • No Conflict Statement - Statement from home institution acknowledging the visiting researcher appointment
  • Statement of Contributions to Diversity - Statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or service.
How to apply
  1. Create an ApplicantID
  2. Provide required information and documents
  3. If any, provide required reference information;

SAME With Education & INFO Studies @ UCLA

 Dr Olga Lazin Andrei Visiting Prof. @ UCLA

Cum poti lua viza de America pe loc, direct de la Ambasada SUA. Tot mai multi romani solicta vize pentru a calatori in America, indeosebi pentru scopuri turistice, dar si de afaceri. Anul trecut, de exemplu, au avut loc 42.000 de interviuri pentru vize. 90% din solicitari au fost aprobate! Reprezentantii Ambasadei Sta telor Unite ale Americii la Bucuresti spun ca procesul de acordare a vizelor de tip B1/B2 (n.r. - vize turistice) este foarte simplu, insa, cerintele americanilor de acordare a intrarii pe teritoriul lor trebuie respectate "la sange". Ambasada Americana si-a deschis, ieri, portile, iar reprezentantii insitutiei au explicat pentru jurnalisti care sunt pasii pentru obtinerea unei vize temporare. Chiar daca pare greu de crezut, un roman poate primi viza pe loc. Iata cum: Primul pas care trebuie facut de un roman ce vrea sa calatoreasca in Statele Unite este sa intre pe site-ul ambasadei, la sectiunea vize, unde trebuie sa urmeze pasii foarte simpli indicati de reprezentantii institutiei americane. Cel mai important aspect este completarea Formularului DS-160 in care solicitantul vizei trebuie sa raspunda la mai multe intrebari, cu caracter personal, cum ar fi ocupatia sau situatia sociala. iar intrebarile sunt in limba engleza. La respectivul formular trebuie atasata si o fotografie realizata in ultimele sase luni, Dezinformeaza EVZ

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Visiting Researcher, without salary Job |

Visiting Researcher, without salary Job |

Just an Honorary position, plus Work:

  • Recruitment Period
    Open Nov 4, 2014 through Jun 30, 2015/ 
    The UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies invites highly qualified applications for temporary, without salary, positions as Visiting Assistant Researchers, Visiting Associate Researchers, or Visiting Researchers. Qualified candidates with a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in Chicana and Chicano Studies, or related fields, are encouraged to apply.
    Various opportunities for non-UC faculty on leave from their home institutions exist to collaborate with UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies faculty members on research, professional development, mutual exchange of knowledge, methodologies, and technical training. Outstanding candidates in all fields will be considered. Applicants must provide their own financial support, including health insurance and Visa fees for the duration of stay.
    The University of California, Los Angeles, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy, see UC Nondiscrimination & Affirmative Action Policy at ~~~
    • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
    • Statement of Research - Description of your research (past, present and future)
    • Letter of Invitation - Visiting Researcher invitation letter from UCLA faculty sponsor
    • Objective Statement - Statement must indicate dates of stay and objective of visit
    • Financial Support Statement - Documentation verifying financial support and health benefits for duration of visit
    • No Conflict Statement - Statement from home institution acknowledging the visiting researcher appointment
    • Statement of Contributions to Diversity - Statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or service.
    How to apply
    1. Create an ApplicantID
    2. Provide required information and documents
    3. If any, provide required reference information; Carlos A Torres, Education & INFO MANAGEMENT
  • UCLA Visiting Prof, Dr Olga Lazin Andrei
  • And for Next year Again
Cum poti lua viza de America pe loc, direct de la Ambasada SUA. Tot mai multi romani solicta vize pentru a calatori in America, indeosebi pentru scopuri turistice, dar si de afaceri. Anul trecut, de exemplu, au avut loc 42.000 de interviuri pentru vize. 90% din solicitari au fost aprobate! Reprezentantii Ambasadei Sta telor Unite ale Americii la Bucuresti spun ca procesul de acordare a vizelor de tip B1/B2 (n.r. - vize turistice) este foarte simplu, insa, cerintele americanilor de acordare a intrarii pe teritoriul lor trebuie respectate "la sange". Ambasada Americana si-a deschis, ieri, portile, iar reprezentantii insitutiei au explicat pentru jurnalisti care sunt pasii pentru obtinerea unei vize temporare. Chiar daca pare greu de crezut, un roman poate primi viza pe loc. Iata cum: Primul pas care trebuie facut de un roman ce vrea sa calatoreasca in Statele Unite este sa intre pe site-ul ambasadei, la sectiunea vize, unde trebuie sa urmeze pasii foarte simpli indicati de reprezentantii institutiei americane. Cel mai important aspect este completarea Formularului DS-160 in care solicitantul vizei trebuie sa raspunda la mai multe intrebari, cu caracter personal, cum ar fi ocupatia sau situatia sociala. iar intrebarile sunt in limba engleza. La respectivul formular trebuie atasata si o fotografie realizata in ultimele sase luni, Dezinformeaza EVZ

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Who Are We Working For? The Corporatocracie

Nu ignorati acest video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uite de ce esti un sclav modern si cum funcționează lumea in care traiesti..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai traiesti.....
Posted by Victor Vic on Monday, February 9, 2015
Victor Vic: " pentru Cine Lucram? Pentru banci:

<div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;  js = d.createElement(s); = id;  js.src = "//";  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-video" data-allowfullscreen="true" data-href=";set=vb.100000646713456&amp;type=1"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=""><a href=""></a><p>Nu ignorati acest video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Uite de ce esti un sclav modern si cum funcționează lumea in care traiesti..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai traiesti.....</p>Posted by <a href="">Victor Vic</a> on Monday, February 9, 2015</blockquote></div></div>

Nu ignorati acest video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uite de ce esti un sclav modern si cum funcționează lumea in care traiesti..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai traiesti.....

Posted by on Monday, February 9, 2015

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Piranha, Story of the Piranha Fish from Predator to Prey

Fear is good, one has to win, to get love:

"The Piranha does engage in a feeding frenzy that will "make the water boil" if only because a hungry school of fish are trying to reach the same limited food source. All that activity is bound to create water turbulence. A Piranha school generally only consists of about 20 or so fish, but in a feeding frenzy it can reach up to several hundred..

Piranhas are not always that deadly. Many species live solitary lives once they reach maturity and only four or five species pose any significant danger. Piranhas rarely attack people. Many experts believe they are actually timid fish, and shoal for protection. Even the most aggressive are thought to be not really dangerous until they are trapped and confined, and then attack in self defense. As a pet they are fascinating and beautiful fish, yet you can't hold or pet them. 

They are not affectionate and owners must be extremely careful, especially when handling them. They do have sharp teeth and an aggressive/defensive nature. Most Piranha bites are sustained when the fish are being handled, though that's not to say a hungry fish is never dangerous.
Even when first hatched these tiny little fish have incredibly sharp teeth capable of searing anything they bite into small pieces. At first the young feed on tiny crustaceans found in the water and they also feed on fruits, seeds and aquatic plants. As they grow, so do their dietary requirements. They join schools of piranhas for the more readily available food that comes from hunting as a pack, but they also congregate in groups for protection from those that would prey on them.
Yes, Piranhas are themselves also prey! They are a favorite food for the Payara or Vampire Tetra Hydrolycus scomberoides, as well as other predatory fish. Herons, Caimans and other critters also prey them upon during the dry season as their pools of water are shrinking. However these fish have no social conscience and the young can become a quick snack for a more tenacious adult Piranha. This is especially true if they look like they don't fit in with the group. Some Piranha species will practice "mimicry" when young, imitating the adults of another species just to find safe haven in their shoals until they mature enough to venture out on their own.

Also see the Red Belly Piranha profile:
Red-bellied Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri

"The Piranha does engage in a feeding frenzy that will "make the water boil" if only because a hungry school of fish are trying to reach the same limited food source. All that activity is bound to create water turbulence. A Piranha school generally only consists of about 20 or so fish, but in a feeding frenzy it can reach up to several hundred..

Piranhas are not always that deadly. Many species live solitary lives once they reach maturity and only four or five species pose any significant danger. Piranhas rarely attack people. Many experts believe they are actually timid fish, and shoal for protection. Even the most aggressive are thought to be not really dangerous until they are trapped and confined, and then attack in self defense. 

Also see the Red Belly Piranha profile:
Red-bellied Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri"

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Friday, April 3, 2015

Cum A Scapat de cancer, Dieta de Fructe si Biwa Cha, excelent Remediu

In ciuda acestor minusuri, n-am avut probleme majore de sanatate, cu exceptia celei legate de sani si care avea drept cauza, fara doar si poate, disfunctiile hormonale care incep sa se manifeste cu ani buni inainte de menopauza. Si o hipertensiune arteriala, tot urmare schimbarilor interne aduse de varsta, dar si pe fond emotional. 

N-am avut cultul mersului la doctor, dar din cand in cand mi-am verificat starea de sanatate prin analize, o ecografie sau un consult de specialitate. Dupa operatia la sani, am inteles ca apropierea de menopauza implica tot felul de riscuri si am largit un pic aria investigatiilor, pentru a afla daca tranformarile de care vorbeam mai sus nu aluneca pe o panta nedorita. 

Rezultatele erau de fiecare data in limite normale. Consideram sanatatea un dar care mi se cuvenea. Nu socoteam ca trebuie sa fac nimic special ca sa o pastrez. Intrasera investigatiile periodice in rutina, incat parea de la sine inteles ca rezultatele nu pot fi decat bune. Pe acelasi fond de liniste si incredere, m-am prezentat pentru rezultat si in urma cu cativa ani. Eram in mare graba, pentru ca imi lasasem familia in masina. Ieseam cu totii in oras cand mi-am amintit ca trebuie sa iau rezultatul si am preferat sa fac o escala scurta, ca sa scot problema de pe agenda. Imi amintesc surpriza neplacuta pe care mi-a facut-o asistenta care, in loc sa imi inmaneze rezultatul, m-a invitat sa iau loc spunandu-mi ca trebuie sa intru musai la medic. Asa i s-a transmis. 

Am crezut ca este vorba despre o eticheta la care clinica tine, aceea ca medicul sa interactioneze cu pacientul la fiecare intalnire. Dupa cateva zeci de minute in care am avut nenumarate tentative sa plec, cu gandul la biata mea familie care amorteste in masina, mi-a venit randul. Nu m-am abtinut si am lasat sa transpara iritarea mea legata de timpul prea lung de asteptare doar pentru ca medicul sa aiba satisfactia de a-mi transmite rezultatul prin viu grai. 

”Am avut un motiv. Luati loc. Rezultatul nu este bun, eu as zice chiar alarmant. Sunt necesare si alte investigatii pentru a confirma diagnosticul, dar cred ca nu e bine deloc”, mi-a spus medicul simplu, parand a ignora tonul meu usor sarcastic de mai devreme. Eram muta de uimire. Mi s-a uscat si amarat brusc gura, semn ca bila mea a reactionat nervos. 

Evident au urmat investigatii care au culminat cu biopsia, ocazie cu care s-a practicat rezectia unei portiuni in speranta ca zona afectata este una mica si in felul asta poate fi indepartata. N-a fost sa fie asa, rezultatul biopsiei relevand faptul ca leziunea depaseste granitele taieturii, fiind necesara extirparea extinsa, cu ganglionii aferenti, pentru a preintampina invazia. 

Oricat as fi incercat sa ma pacalesc ca lucrurile nu-s atat de serioase cum par, in acest moment am stiut clar ca ma asteapta o lupta lunga, acerba si neobosita, din care speram sa ies invingatoare. 

Am insistat asupra acestui moment pentru a se intelege ca asa vin vestile in viata, fulgerator. In viata oricui, nu numai a mea. Scena tipica din filmele lacrimogene cu protagonisti loviti de soarta, se muta brusc in realitate. Exact atunci cand, intr-o relaxare totala, te pregatesti, spre exemplu, sa iesi cu familia in oras. 

Ce-am simtit? Greu de descris si greu de imaginat pentru cei care n-au trecut printr-o astfel de experienta. 

Am trecut intai prin faza negatiei. Am crezut initial ca este o greseala: sigur nu e rezultatul meu. Apoi am trecut prin faza acceptarii:cred ca e ceva, dar poate nu atat de grav. Apoi prin faza sperantei: orice ar fi, trebuie sa se poata face ceva. 

Aceste etape au fost de fapt un amalgam de sentimente, de ganduri, de intrebari, de indoieli. Este greu de explicat si pentru mine, insa orice fel de sentimente m-au incercat, dar cel de deznadejde totala, nu. M-am intrebat ce anume m-a adus aici si am inteles rapid ca sunt singura vinovata. Viata imi intocmise nota de plata. Nu m-am lamentat. Mi-am radiografiat propria viata fara prea mult sentimentalism, ca si cum ar fi fost vorba de altcineva. Analizam la rece situatia si posibilele solutii ca si cum n-as fi fost eu subiectul. Si am concluzionat rapid ca existenta mea trebuie sa se schimbe din temelii, altfel n-am sansa de izbanda. Lucru care s-a si intamplat aproape instantaneu, dumnezeu ajutandu-ma sa gasesc rezolvare pentru toate. Evident, prima mea speranta s-a indreptat spre dieta Rudolf Breuss, pe care o experimentasem deja anterior cu bune rezultate si pe care am inceput-o imediat. 



-300 g sfecla rosie 

-100 g morcovi suculenti 

-100 g telina 

-70 g cartofi 

-30 g ridiche neagra 

Legumele se curata, se cantaresc, se trec prin storcator si se strecoara prin trei randuri de tifon ca sa nu ramana absolut niciun reziduu. Se face proaspat in fiecare zi. 

2. CEAIUL DE SALVIE (Salvia officinalis) 

Intr-o jumatate litru de apa care fierbe se pune salvie cat se ia cu trei degete si se fierbe exact 3 minute, il tragi de pe foc, lasi putin si adaugi putina sunatoare (Hypericum perforatum) si roinita (Melissa officinalis) pentru aroma. Dupa 10 minute de infuzare se strecoara si se bea in timpul zilei rece, neindulcit. 


Se bea doar trei sapatamani si sunt necesare pentru aceasta perioada urmatoarele cantitati: 

-15 g coada calului (Equisetum arvense) 

-10 g urzica (Urtica dioica) 

-8 g troscot (Polygonum aviculare) 

-6 g sunatoare (Hypericum perforatum) 

Se maruntesc bine plantele si se amesteca. Intr-o cana de apa fiarta se pune din amestec cat iei cu trei degete si se lasa 10 minute la infuzat, apoi se strecoara si lichidul se pune intr-o cana. Peste zatul ramas se pun alte doua cani de apa fierbinte si se fierb 10 minute. Se strecoara si se amesteca cu ceaiul din prima cana. 

4. CEAIUL DE NAPRASNIC (Geranium robertianum) 

Intr-o cana de apa fiarta se pune cat iei in trei degete si se lasa zece minute la infuzat, dupa care se strecoara. Se bea rece, neindulcit. 


Se taie o ceapa intreaga, de marime mijlocie, cu tot cu coaja galbena exterioara. Se prajeste in ulei vegetal pana devine aurie, se adauga 500 ml de apa rece si se lasa pana la fierbere si se amesteca pana se inmoaie ceapa. Se adauga legume rase foarte fin si se strecoara bine ca sa nu scape niciun reziduu solid prin trei randuri de tifon. 


Dimineata: 1/2 ceasca ceai pentru rinichi se bea rece, cu lingura, sorbind incet si amestecandu-l foarte bine cu saliva, apoi se inghite. Dupa 20 - 30 minute se bea o ceasca de ceai de salvie, la fel cu lingura si amestecata bine cu saliva. La un sfert de ora se ia cate o gura de suc care nu se inghite imediat si se insaliveaza. 

Pana la prinz se iau cam 10 - 15 inghitituri de suc. 

La pranz:1/2 ceasca de ceai pentru rinichi. Pana seara se mai bea din cand in cand cate o inghititura de suc si o cana de ceai de napraznic. 

Seara: 1/2 ceasca de ceai de rinichi si atat. 

In situatiile de slabiciune se poate bea si o cana de supa de ceapa. 


* totul se soarbe, nu se bea, si se amesteca bine cu saliva inainte de a fi inghitit 

* se strecoara extrem de bine atat sucul, cat si ceaiurile, fiind interzisa ingerarea oricarui element solid, reziduu de planta din ceai sau leguma din suc 

sucul de cartof da un gust rau, dar este extrem de necesar celor cu tumori la ficat. Daca nu se suporta gustul sucului cu cartof, se bea separat un ceai de coji de cartofi 

* ceaiul pentru rinichi nu se bea decat 3 saptamani, NU MAI MULT, dupa care se continua cura pana la 42 de zile 

* NU SE CONSUMA NIMIC pe perioada celor 42 de zile, doar sucul si ceaiurile 

Cura se bazeaza pe detoxifierea totala o organismului si pe mentinerea lui la limita subzistentei, fara proteina, din studii ajungandu-se la concluzia ca intr-o astfel de situatie, sangele devoreaza tot ceea ce este strain corpului 

* nu se bea suc mai mult de 500 ml pe zi 

* nu se iau medicamente in timpul curei, vitamine sau altele 

* cel putin o data pe zi – clisma cu apa calda + musetel (Chamomilla chamomilla, Chamomilla recutita) 

in caz de afectiuni ale articulatiilor, sunt recomandate pe perioada curei bai de coada calului (Equisetum arvense), flori de fan sau paie de ovaz 

* pe perioada curei este interzis cu desavarsire fumatul 

* se sta in aer curat si se evita efortul fizic exagerat 

Pentru intarirea inimii – 5 – 10 ml extract de gherghina dimineata (am gasit la plafar sub forma de fiole) 

Pentru prevenirea deficientei de calciu se bea ceai de patlagina ingusta (Plantago lanceolata), lichen de piatra (Cetraria islandica), rotunjoara (Glechoma hederacea) si flori de lumanarica (Verbascum phlomoides, Verbascum thapsus), in parti egale (le-am gasit la plafar, dar dupa indelungi cautari). 

Inutil, cred, sa precizez faptul ca legumele, fructele trebuie sa fie pe cat posibil netratate chimic, iar plantele medicinale crescute in zone nepoluate.

Despre autor : 

Maria este autor pentru Doresc ca experienta mea in aplicarea terapiilor alternative sa constituie un mic sprijin pentru cei care au nevoie! Articolele Mariei le puteti citi si pe blogul personal - 

- See more at:

Type: Herbal
Scientific Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Caffeine: None
Flavor: Earthy, very mild, subtle hint of sweetness
Color: Light reddish brown

About Biwa Cha

cup of Biwa cha (Japanese Loquat leaves tea)
Biwa Cha is made from dried leaves of Japanese Loquat tree, a large evergreen shrub native to subtropical southern Japan. It is a mild and pleasant beverage, with numerous health benefits. It is quick and easy to prepare at home, as Japanese have done for centuries. You can serve it hot or cold.
The glossy leaves are picked green, after which they are thoroughly washed and cleaned. After a period of drying, the leaves are chopped into small pieces and become ready for brewing.


For higher quality, Japanese cut the dried leaves in ribbon-shape strips, in a style called Tanzaku-kiri (短冊きり). The larger cut Tanzaku-kiri leaves remain closer to their original, natural form, at the same time minimizing oxygen exposure along the cut edges.

How to Prepare

Japanese Senjiru Method

Senjiru (煎じる) brewing in essence is a rapid boil, followed by simmer and then cool down period. It is a time-tested Japanese method for extracting the maximum goodness locked deep in the leaves, and to deliver the optimum combination of aroma, flavor and color. 
The following instructions are for making four 250ml (8 oz) cups of Biwa Cha:

Wild-Harvested Japanese Herbal Teas

Centuries-old Traditions of Japanese Health, Beauty and Longevity

How to make Japanese Style Loquat Tea (Biwa Cha)-1
Pour a little more than 4 cups of cold water into a tea kettle.* Add 5 grams of Biwa leaves (about 2 heaping tablespoons.) 
* You will end up with 4 about cups of Biwa Cha, since you will lose some water to evaporation. 


How to make Japanese Style Loquat Tea (Biwa Cha)-2
Heat to a full, rolling boil. 
How to make Japanese Style Loquat Tea (Biwa Cha)-3
Turn heat down, and simmer for 15 minutes. 
How to make Japanese Style Loquat Tea (Biwa Cha)-4
Turn heat off, and wait for about 10 minutes.
How to make Japanese Style Loquat Tea (Biwa Cha)-5
Strain and serve. Use a fine mesh tea strainer for best results.
Serve hot or cold.

About Water Quality

Biwa Cha is a mild and subtle tea. If your tap water tastes bad, then so probably will your tea.
You should use fresh, good quality water without a lot of minerals (but not distilled water) to get the best flavor out of your tea. If using tap water, let it run cold for at least 10 seconds before using it.

Using a Non-reactive Kettle

Herbal teas, and indeed all teas, should be prepared in kettles made from a material that is as non-reactive as possible. The material your kettle is made of can chemically react with water, and cause contamination.  
Aluminum kettles should definitely to be avoided. Aluminum is a reactive material which has been proven to cause toxic contamination. Glass, ceramic, stainless steel, enamel, marble or cast iron are excellent non-reactive, non-toxic materials.

Principal Benefits

  • Beautifying skin 

  • Healing inflammatory skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs)

  • Antitussive (cough suppressant)

  • Expectorant (promoting expulsion of phlegm and mucus)

  • Appetite suppressant

  • Insulin regulation

In Japan, Biwa Cha is widely consumed for beautifying skin and healing inflammatory skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis. Biwa Cha is also consumed in Japan and China as an alternatives to antitussives (cough suppressant) and expectorants (promoting expulsion of phlegm and mucus) medication.
Scientific studies suggest that loquat leaves reduce sugar cravings and could be beneficial in insulin regulation and appetite suppression. Because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties, Biwa Cha is considered as possible alternative to NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.)
Scientific studies have shown that various compounds in loquats promote powerful physiological actions such as anti-inflammatory, cough suppressant, getting rid of phlegm and mucus, appetite suppression and insulin regulation. Contains natural high-fiber complex sugars (polysaccharides), which suppress sugar cravings. [See References 1-5]
Also, a number of recent studies have shown that compounds in Loquat can combat type 2 diabetes. According to 2010 study published by (US National Institute of Health) "The findings provide a nutritional basis for the use of loquat as a functional food factor that may have benefits for the prevention of hyperlipidemia and diabetes." [See Reference 6]


  1. Biwa Facts - Planet Botanic Canada -