Wednesday, June 3, 2015

You really shouldn't need vitamins, but BORON helps....And Healthy Alkaline Water

You really shouldn't need vitamins... - Apa Alkalina

Drink a lot of alkaline water. begin with, Ph 8,5, for two weeks, then enter to 9PH, then 9,5, and finally 11,5. 
Strong alkaline water, Apa sapunoasa curata legumele, un degreaser, nu se bea. (Aparatul face apa aceasta). Vezi Alex Tanasescu. Cu apa acida cureti totul in casa (in 30 de sec) Strong acidic  water se numeste. vezi filmele Video. (natural health and wellness resources. Apa are Hidrogen activ, e alkalina. Apa si curentul face electroliza. Era o apa fina, usor absorbabila, mai ales in Japonia. In 60 de secunde ajunge la creier, 90% asimilata in corp. Ajuta somnul, visezi bine, elimina arsuri la stomac. 30 de mililitri pentru fiecare kg  care il avem. Se numeste   Pofta mare!!! Sa fiti sanatosi! Daca doriti apa alkalina, sunati la 310 633 3676. OTTO WALBERG, bolile nu se dezvolta in mediu alkalin! Aparatele sunt scoase din Japonia, costa $3, 980, si este portabil. Are 80 placi de titanium, la 230 WATZI, produce apa puternica antioxidanta. Scara Ph-ului este 1-14. Poti face ceai si cafea.

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 A vision board

List of Healthy Foods YOU might consider; Stroll through the isles of your local grocery store and you'll see row after row of colorful, good-looking produce. Walk by the meat case and you'll be dazzled by moist cuts of meat, all well trimmed and sporting a perfect, blood-red hue.

But look inside and you may be surprised.
Your fruits and vegetables, even your meat and poultry, don't have the nutrients they used to. And most of them are packed with pesticides, hormones and other poisons.
You would need 10 servings of spinach today to equal the amount of iron from just one serving 50 years ago.2 And you would need 26 of today's apples to equal just one apple from 1914.3
One of the best vegetable sources of iron was documented by the USDA to be down by a remarkable 88 percent.
You need iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen to every cell in your body. When iron is low, the amount of oxygen your body can use starts to drop. That makes you weak, slow and sickly ... and harder for your body to heal.
The fact that our food is so low in iron is just one of the ways our modern food supply is robbing you of energy, strength and vitality.
What's more, we've known about the problem since the 1930s and the word still isn't getting out ... 
Your Fruits and Vegetables Are In a Nutritional Free Fall
Americans first heard about vitamin and mineral depletion back in 1936. A group of doctors introduced Document No. 264 to the floor of the U.S. Senate, stating that the mineral content of the soil was eroding. Vegetables were losing their power and people were at risk.
At the time, Congress did nothing and the power of big corporations and commercial farming started to spiral out of control.
We're still feeling the effects, and it gets worse every year. Just look at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) nutritional values for fruits and vegetables today compared to 1975.4
Loss of Vitamins and Minerals Since 1975
ApplesVitamin A, down 41%
Sweet PeppersVitamin C, down 31%
WatercressIron, down 88%
BroccoliCalcium, down 50%
Vitamin A, down 50%
CauliflowerVitamin C, down 45%
Vitamin B1, down 48%
Vitamin B2, down 47%
Collard GreensVitamin A, down 45%
Potassium, down 60%
Magnesium, down 85%
According to USDA's own numbers, the vitamin and mineral content has dramatically dropped off in just 30 years.
Notice minerals like iron and magnesium dropped by more than 80 percent. That's from commercial farming technology and powerful fertilizers that practically sterilize the soil, leaving it with little to no mineral content.
And if the soil doesn't have minerals, there's no way for vegetables to absorb them. 
Even worse, fruit and vegetable growers create "hybrids" for the sake of making their produce "look better." They actually create new versions of all your favorites so they have more water, more sugar, more pith (the indigestible support tissue like the white fibrous netting around an orange section) and less of everything else.
Growers call this the "dilution effect." For them, more water and more pith helps their produce ship well, look good and weigh a lot. But it virtually wipes out their vitamin and mineral content.
Not everyone loves broccoli but you eat it thinking you'll get the nutrients you need. But that's just not the case anymore. The vitamin A in broccoli is down at least 50 percent. And that's a big problem, especially for men.
Your body uses vitamin A to make the male hormone, testosterone. It's the power behind your muscle strength, physical performance and all the energy that drives your ambition, drive and need to achieve.
Without testosterone you shrink, shrivel and turn into a 98-pound weakling. It's bad for women, too. A loss of testosterone in women causes fatigue and a loss of desire. 
And it's rapidly getting worse.
 Genetic Hybrids Push Nutrient Values Even Lower
Big corporations change the genetic structure of popular fruits and vegetables to create "hybrids." These hybrids are engineered to be bigger and more profitable, but lack many of the nutrients that make them healthy.
A popular broccoli hybrid called "Marathon" is an alarming example:
By the USDA's own admission, levels of calcium and magnesium in the Marathon hybrid are 35 percent lower than other hybrids.
The hybrids themselves are 50 percent lower in calcium and magnesium than "normal" broccoli. And the "normal" broccoli has less than half the calcium and magnesium than broccoli did in 1975!
In just a few decades, the nutrients in fruits and vegetables have been significantly depleted. And we've only talked about a handful of vitamins and minerals. Your body needs a full range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and micronutrients to thrive.
Don't expect much help from the standard multivitamin you get at your local supermarket. The people that manufacture these things have very little awareness of what you're missing from your environment. 
"Won't My Store-Bought Multivitamin Do the Trick?"
I hear that from my patients all of the time. It's no wonder. All those TV commercials lead you to believe a daily multivitamin gives you all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients a healthy body needs.
Trouble is, this is far from true. Especially with minerals.
One of these minerals in particular, boron, is almost never included in your typical store-bought formulas. And that's bad news. Boron is one of those must-have minerals that's disappearing from your food.
Boron Helps Support Your Aching Joints, Keeps Your Bones Strong and Your Memory Razor Sharp
This trace mineral can ease your aching joints. Boron helps inhibit COX and LOX, the enzymes related to everyday inflammation, and joint aches and pains.5
But there's more to it than that. Nature intended for this mineral to be in our food ... so much so, I believe the lack of boron is an indicator of whether your joints stay healthy as you age.
And there's overwhelming evidence showing boron is essential to bone health. Studies show boron works like an unstoppable body guard, supporting bone stores of vital calcium and magnesium that create and protect the density of your bones.6
Boron even ignites your brainpower. Scientists discovered those deficient in boron didn't perform nearly as well on cognitive tests as those getting as little as 3 mg of boron in their diets each day.
Here's what I mean: Those lacking boron had a drop in manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, attention span and perception, even short-term and long-term memory. And this was particularly true of older men and women.7 These studies alone are reason enough to add more boron to your diet.
But like many of the nutrients critical for your body's good health, boron is either overlooked or forgotten altogether.
Finally ... A Real "Antidote" to Balance the Deficiencies of Our Modern Food Supply
After studying the American diet and working with my patients, I designed what may be the only "replacement solution" to the nutritional problems of our modern world.
I call it a replacement solution because it's not a vitamin.
The typical multivitamins you find in your supermarket or drugstore are a careless concoction of random nutrients that have little to do with the problems in your environment and food supply. 
My formula, Daily Power, gives you back everything you're missing from your modern diet. Its design is based on what you're not getting from the food at your local grocery store.
And that includes 39 antioxidants and bioactive compounds in addition to the vitamins and minerals that are disappearing from your dinner table.
The result is more than just "feeling healthy."
Daily Power Helps Boost Your Performance and
Vitality ... Making You Stronger, More Capable, More Potent
Getting back what you're missing gives your body the chance to perform at peak levels, make repairs and produce and store more energy. You'll feel more alert, more ready and have more vitality and enthusiasm to take on your daily activities.
Think about it: When your body is starving for its "building materials," your body is thinking survival, not peak fitness.
Daily Power corrects for specific deficiencies, engineering more performance out of your cells, organs and tissues.
Start Every Day with Daily Power
and Discover Your TRUE Potential
You really shouldn't need a multivitamin ... but in today's world you need to do something.
Daily Power is the only "replacement solution" designed to level the playing field, giving you exactly what you need to live a healthy, robust life.
And how will you ever discover your true potential unless your body and mind are running at their peak performance?

Anything less is missed opportunity. 


Tenet #1: Living your life and chasing your ambitions can be thrilling, not stressful.

We have learned to fear stress. With good reason. Chronic stress is a killer, coiled at the root of nearly every diagnosis you can think of. But in truth, part of the problem is that we have framed stress as the Big Bad. Stress by other names is also: excitement, motivation, energy, pressure. And just the right amount will get you to do amazing things.
Your job, then, is not to avoid job-seeking risks that are scary or challenging, but to embrace them. Start by thinking about the common symptoms stress—pounding heart, the jitters, the urge to call your mom. Each is a sign that your body is doing exactly what it should to prepare you for the challenge at hand. Your senses are heightened; your awareness is greater; your need to connect is stronger. Tell yourself: My life can be thrilling. It is right now, and I can accept this challenge!

Tenet #2: Observe your thoughts and question them often.

Thoughts run through your mind every day, like a chatty social media feed. These thoughts blend with emotions; more often than not, you apply some emotional filter to your experiences, and these filters are a big part of what makes you stressed. If you can start to understand the emotions associated with your thoughts, you can begin to control your responses and avoid or escape the resulting stress. 

Tenet #3: Get rid of what you don’t need and make room for what you want.

We all have trouble prying our fingers from the stuff we love or know well, even when it doesn’t suit us anymore. But if you’re clinging to old things, whether they’re actual objects or, ahem, your job, it’s keeping you from moving forward into the life you want.
The trickiest clutter to clear is your thinking. To start, take five minutes right now to write down the top three things you want to do, achieve, or have happen in the next six months. How much closer are you to doing them than you were six months ago? What excuse have you been using? Next to each goal, write down all the excuses and thoughts and fears that come up when you consider going for them, such as: I’m too oldI don’t know where to start, or I’m afraid of embarrassing myself. And then? Take those tiny fears and old thoughts and toss them out, along with the unworn boots, the books you’ll never read, and the suits that simply don’t fit you anymore.
Imagine how you could amp up your job search if stress were your fuel, if you made questioning your thoughts a habit, if you had mental room to work toward your ambitions. That’s what managing your stress can do. Try it—you’ll be surprised by where you can go! 
Learn more useful information about stress and your health! Order our new book, meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier, co-authored by meQuilibrium CEO Jan Bruce, Adam Perlman, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, and Andrew Shatté, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer


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You really shouldn't need vitamins...

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