Ce sa Nu faceti in timpul menstruatie; foujan speaker - Google Search:
Daca iti petreci timpul la bucatarie gatind, in timpul menstruatiei, iti asumi riscul de a rani pe cineva. Te intrebi probabil de ce. Raspunsul este simplu; daca gatesti, probabil manevrezi o cratita plina cu apa fiarta. Acum raspunde, daca se intampla sa ai un atac emotional in timp ce tii in maini o cratita plina cu apa fiarta? Poti sa ranesti pe cineva cu usurinta, chiar si pe tine. Asadar, gatitul este unul dintre lucrurile pe care trebuie sa le eviti cand esti in perioada mentionata. Pur si simplu stai la distanta de bucatarie.
2. Folosirea telefonului
Motivul pentru care trebuie sa eviti folosirea telefonului este simplu, poti ajunge sa iti suni fostul iubit. Aceasta este o perioada foarte emotionala din luna, probabil te confrunti cu diferite stari tot timpul, te simti singura si in acele momente si este posibil sa faci cea mai mare greseala a vietii tale, adica sa iti suni fostul. Si nu te vei opri aici. Vei vrea sa te impaci cu el si daca o sa te respinga, il vei blestema fara motiv. Asadar, in aceasta perioada emotionala a lunii, cel mai bine este sa tii telefonul la distanta.
3. Exercitiile de orice fel
Primul lucru pe care trebuie sa ti-l amintesti este ca nu esti grasa, esti doar balonata din cauza menstruatiei. Odata cu terminarea menstruatiei, vei fi din nou sexy. Ce incercam sa iti spunem este ca nu trebuie sa faci exercitii fizice, riscand sa iti strici noile haine de sport. In acest fel vei reusi sa nu le murdaresti, sau sa le pui la spalat pentru a scapa de pete.
4. Sa te uiti la comedii romantice
Comediile romantice nu reprezinta cea mai buna alegere cand esti la menstruatie, mai ales daca esti singura. Daca esti intr-o relatie, ar trebui sa eviti sa te uiti la astfel de filme, deoarece poate ti se va face dor de persoana apropiata si aceasta nu poate fi langa tine. Asadar, esti in perioada cand nu trebuie sa te mai uiti la comedii romantice. Cel mai important lucru pentru tine este sa tii minte ca personajele din filme si oamenii de la TV doar joaca un rol. Viata lor de pe micul ecran poate parea perfecta, dar este vorba doar despre un show, iar realitatea poate fi exact pe dos.
5. Consumul exagerat de ciocolata
Nu trebuie sa crezi in toate cliseele pe care le auzi. Doar pentru ca esti la menstruatie, nu inseamna ca trebuie sa te indopi cu ciocolata. Consumul de ciocolata nu te va face sa te simti mai bine. Poti manca niste bomboane, sau cateva cubulete, pentru ca la final nu vei face decat sa te enervezi mai tare.
6. Discutiile in contradictoriu
Acesta este unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri pe care nu trebuie sa le faci in timpul menstruatiei. Dupa cum bine stii, aceasta perioada a lunii poate fi extrem de emotionala pentru tine, iar ultimul lucru pe care ai vrea sa il faci ar fi sa incepi o cearta. Probabil vei ajunge sa spui lucruri urate, doar ca sa ranesti pe cineva, fapt pe care mai tarziu il vei regreta. In aceasta perioada trebuie sa eviti sa te certi cu cineva la care tii, pentru ca va poate afecta relatia. In astfel de momente, trebuie sa te calmezi si sa numeri pana la 10. Lasa cearta pentru alte zile.
7. Datul jos din pat
Daca ai o stare proasta, probabil este mai bine sa stai in pat. Cand esti indispusa nu vrea nimeni sa aiba de a face cu tine. Din acest motiv, este mai bine sa stai in pat si sa dormi putin mai mult. Daca poti sta in pat 2-3 zile, fa asta. Dupa ce aceasta criza emotionala s-a terminat, poti sa te ridici.
8. Lipsa dusului
Nu este gresit sa faci dus in timpul menstruatiei. Daca vrei sa fii curata si sa te simti bine, baia este mereu cea mai buna alternativa. Poti condimenta atmosfera cu niste vin si muzica pentru a te relaxa. Aceasta baie incredibila iti va face atat corpul cat si mintea sa se simta extraordinar.
9. Treburile casnice
Mormanul de haine de pe podeaua din baie si gramada de resturi din bucatarie nu pleaca nicaieri. Asadar, nu trebuie sa te obosesti si sa faci curat imediat, lasa-le acolo si intoarce-te in pat. Citeste o carte sau uita-te la un film. Vei face si curat cand o sa treci de menstruatie.
10. Mancarea fast food
Este bine sa stai departe de astfel de alimente in timpul menstruatiei. Restaurantele fast food au in meniu cartofii prajiti, al caror consum probabil iti va inrautati starea. Ce trebuie sa faci este sa stai acasa, departe de burgeri si cartofi prajiti. Mai bine bea o cana de ciocolata calda, sau mananca o salata, cu siguranta iti vor fi mult mai benefice organismului.
11. Alergatul
Alergatul in timpul perioadei menstruale este, probabil, una dintre cele mai proaste idei. Nu e momentul sa arzi calorii. Asadar, nu alerga prin parc sau pe scari, ori in jurul blocului in acest timp al lunii. In loc sa alergi, mai bine stai in pat si relaxeaza-te cat de mult posibil.
12. Statul
Statul in pat este cheia, caci te face sa te simti mult mai bine. Incearca sa eviti statul pe scaun si incearca sa stai intinsa toata ziua in pat, daca poti. Ai putea sa te intinzi pe canapea si sa privesti la tv, sau in cada ca sa faci baie, ori pur si simplu intinsa in pat. Statul pe scaun si mersul nu te vor face sa te simti mai bine in timpul menstruatiei. Asadar, de ce sa suferi?
13. Ganditul
Corpul tau deja este afectat de dureri, de ce sa iti mai pui si mintea sa treaca prin chinuri? Copilul tau poate hrani animalele si isi poate face temele fara tine cateva zile, iar tu nu vei avea dureri de cap.
Nu intelege gresit, in timpul perioadei menstruale iti poti vedea de rutina zilnica cum o faci de obicei, in restul lunii.
Insa cea mai buna optiune este aceea de a sta in pat si de a dormi cat mai mult, a te relaxa si a evita orice fel de dicutie in contradictoriu. Tine minte acest articol si incearca sa-l urmezi de fiecare data cand esti in perioada menstruatiei.
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- See more at: http://www.secretele.com/2016/03/lucruri-pe-care-nu-ar-trebui-sa-le-faci.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Secretele+%28secretele%29#sthash.qDfYqWHp.dpuf
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016
(27) Dr Olga M Andrei Academic services One-On-One
(27) Dr Olga M Andrei:
I made a decision:
Olga M. LAZIN, Ph.D.
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I made a decision:
November 10, 2015
The Honorable Senator Diana Feinstein
United States Senate
RE: Pedro
Jose Berzunza
Jose Berzunza
NVC Case Number: MEX2010754122
F4 Visa Applicant
Dear Senator Feinstein:
It is my pleasure and hopes to write this letter on
behalf of Professor Pedro Jose Berzunza Castilla, a Mexican citizen currently
living in Merida, Yucatan. He is seeking an F4 visa to join his sister’s family
in the US, and I am honor and proud to recommend Pedro José to your attention
as an exceptional candidate for US residence.
Pedro applied for the visa in 2007, secured INS clearance in 2010 and is
currently awaiting visa approval by the State Department. Anything you can do to intervene and expedite
this approval will be profoundly appreciated.
Please allow me to outline some of the excellent reasons this approval
would be a good decision for our nation.
behalf of Professor Pedro Jose Berzunza Castilla, a Mexican citizen currently
living in Merida, Yucatan. He is seeking an F4 visa to join his sister’s family
in the US, and I am honor and proud to recommend Pedro José to your attention
as an exceptional candidate for US residence.
Pedro applied for the visa in 2007, secured INS clearance in 2010 and is
currently awaiting visa approval by the State Department. Anything you can do to intervene and expedite
this approval will be profoundly appreciated.
Please allow me to outline some of the excellent reasons this approval
would be a good decision for our nation.
I’ve known Pedro since 1990. At the time we met, he was applying for UCLA graduate
program at the School of Law, and me as the Director of the Program of México,
I invited him for one of my seminars in regarding the Mexican Government public
policy, and I was impressing for his enthusiasm in regarding the U.S.-Mexican
relations and the history of both nations. Pedro came to the US on a foreign
student visa in 1989, not long after finishing his undergraduate degree or BA
in Law at State University of Yucatan. After
him graduate from the LL.M. and working as research assistant for Professor
Henry W. McGee and Cruz Reynoso at UCLA School of Law, he made decision in 1994
to apply for the Latin American Studies at UCLA, in which he was accepted in
the spring of 1995.
program at the School of Law, and me as the Director of the Program of México,
I invited him for one of my seminars in regarding the Mexican Government public
policy, and I was impressing for his enthusiasm in regarding the U.S.-Mexican
relations and the history of both nations. Pedro came to the US on a foreign
student visa in 1989, not long after finishing his undergraduate degree or BA
in Law at State University of Yucatan. After
him graduate from the LL.M. and working as research assistant for Professor
Henry W. McGee and Cruz Reynoso at UCLA School of Law, he made decision in 1994
to apply for the Latin American Studies at UCLA, in which he was accepted in
the spring of 1995.
After successfully graduate with his degree in an M.A.
in Latin American Studies, Pedro work for me at the Program of México at UCLA
and at Statistical Abstracts of Latin America, in which I am the Director and
Editor for the first and the second one. In the late summer of 1998, he was
hire to work as diplomat at legal department of the Mexican Embassy in
Washington, D.C., after he finish his term at the Mexican Embassy, he was hire
by the Department of Education as an Instructor for Spanish, History in the District
of Columbia Public Schools. During those
years, we maintain a communication and friendship, that fruitfully until this
in Latin American Studies, Pedro work for me at the Program of México at UCLA
and at Statistical Abstracts of Latin America, in which I am the Director and
Editor for the first and the second one. In the late summer of 1998, he was
hire to work as diplomat at legal department of the Mexican Embassy in
Washington, D.C., after he finish his term at the Mexican Embassy, he was hire
by the Department of Education as an Instructor for Spanish, History in the District
of Columbia Public Schools. During those
years, we maintain a communication and friendship, that fruitfully until this
I consider Pedro, as one of my “best cards of
presentation” as a professor of history or Ambassador of good will between the
two countries in which I live and rise as student and academic.
presentation” as a professor of history or Ambassador of good will between the
two countries in which I live and rise as student and academic.
I must said, that when his visa status required his
return to Mexico in 2007, Pedro had been a resident of the US for almost 20
years, basically the entire period of his young adulthood and for all the years
of his professional formation. He is a man with a great humanity, and his soul
is indeed bicultural, and his long periods of life and education in both the
United States and Mexico make him an outstanding bicultural citizen of nations,
I can affirm that Pedro José belongs to both cultures the Mexican by birth and
the American by education and formation as young man and adulthood. From both sides of the border, he has worked
over the years to facilitate international exchanges between U.S. and Mexican
citizens, and to educate about the histories, governments, legal systems, and
cultures of both the U.S. and Mexico.
return to Mexico in 2007, Pedro had been a resident of the US for almost 20
years, basically the entire period of his young adulthood and for all the years
of his professional formation. He is a man with a great humanity, and his soul
is indeed bicultural, and his long periods of life and education in both the
United States and Mexico make him an outstanding bicultural citizen of nations,
I can affirm that Pedro José belongs to both cultures the Mexican by birth and
the American by education and formation as young man and adulthood. From both sides of the border, he has worked
over the years to facilitate international exchanges between U.S. and Mexican
citizens, and to educate about the histories, governments, legal systems, and
cultures of both the U.S. and Mexico.
During his time in Merida, Yucatán, México he was
hired as academic at the Department of Political Sciences at the Modelo
University and at the School of Law of the State University of Yucatan, he is a
well-known and respected professor of college, at the same time he is the
Coordinator for International Relations at the Modelo University, in which he
was in charge to international guess program for the celebration of the one
hundred years of the Escuela Modelo; he was behind the projects to invite guess
speakers such as Ambassador and Undersecretary of State Thomas R. Pickering,
former General Prosecutor and Ambassador of Colombia in Mexico Luis Camilo
Osorio Izasa and others.
hired as academic at the Department of Political Sciences at the Modelo
University and at the School of Law of the State University of Yucatan, he is a
well-known and respected professor of college, at the same time he is the
Coordinator for International Relations at the Modelo University, in which he
was in charge to international guess program for the celebration of the one
hundred years of the Escuela Modelo; he was behind the projects to invite guess
speakers such as Ambassador and Undersecretary of State Thomas R. Pickering,
former General Prosecutor and Ambassador of Colombia in Mexico Luis Camilo
Osorio Izasa and others.
Professor Berzunza would very much likely to return to
the United States to pursue in this country his life’s work of education and building
bridges between the nations of Mexico and the U.S. and I believe this would an
excellent outcome for both the US and Mexico.
the United States to pursue in this country his life’s work of education and building
bridges between the nations of Mexico and the U.S. and I believe this would an
excellent outcome for both the US and Mexico.
During all the time I have known Pedro, I have been highly
impressed by his intellectual curiosity, his comprehensive intelligence, and his ability to engage complex issues in ways
that demonstrate thoughtfulness and insight. I remember that while he was at
George Washington University he took great advantage of the intellectual and
political life of our nation’s capital, frequently calling to share information
about the many lectures and events he attended as he fulfilled his profound desire
to learn more about U.S. and international government politics and
personalities. A look at his CV attests to all the ways he has involved himself
through the years with educational opportunities, and I can also attest that he
is skilled in the service of educating others.
He has so much to offer the US at a time when so many of us need to know
more about Mexico and Mexicans, and more about international history and relations
in general as we develop the skills and strategies we need to be good global neighbors.
impressed by his intellectual curiosity, his comprehensive intelligence, and his ability to engage complex issues in ways
that demonstrate thoughtfulness and insight. I remember that while he was at
George Washington University he took great advantage of the intellectual and
political life of our nation’s capital, frequently calling to share information
about the many lectures and events he attended as he fulfilled his profound desire
to learn more about U.S. and international government politics and
personalities. A look at his CV attests to all the ways he has involved himself
through the years with educational opportunities, and I can also attest that he
is skilled in the service of educating others.
He has so much to offer the US at a time when so many of us need to know
more about Mexico and Mexicans, and more about international history and relations
in general as we develop the skills and strategies we need to be good global neighbors.
sum, then, I strongly believe that Pedro Berzunza would be wisely chosen as an
F4 visa recipient, and that the U.S. would be fortunate to gain him as a
resident. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if there is any further information I can provide to you that might help you
act to support this visa decision in favor of my friend, Pedro Berzunza.
sum, then, I strongly believe that Pedro Berzunza would be wisely chosen as an
F4 visa recipient, and that the U.S. would be fortunate to gain him as a
resident. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if there is any further information I can provide to you that might help you
act to support this visa decision in favor of my friend, Pedro Berzunza.
And thank you, as always, for all the good work you do
for us residents of Washington State!
for us residents of Washington State!
With great respect,
James W. Wilkie, Ph.D
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Georgica Soros Says Russia Will Go Broke In 2017
Market Leader : News :: Soros Says Russia Will Go Broke In 2017:

"Business And Politics News
Soros Says Russia Will Go Broke In 2017
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:37:00 +0400 Forum for traders and investors
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"Many Latinos are an afterthought"
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Business And Politics News
Soros Says Russia Will Go Broke In 2017
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:37:00 +0400

According to George Soros, the world-famous billionaire an investor, Russia is going to go bankrupt in 2017 when it is time to pay most of Russia’s foreign debts. In order to avoid this worst-case scenario, Vladimir Putin wants the European Union to crash instead, which is why he has recently been doing his best to make it happen, the investor says.
The financier also says that Putin’s popularity among the Russians is based mainly on the so-called “contract with the society”, which implies that the president should be backing stable growth of living standards as well as financial stability.
However, due to sanctions and low oil prices the Russian government and President Putin are no longer capable of doing so. To date, the Russian budget deficit is somewhere around 7% of the national GDP. Yet, the authorities will have to cut it by 3% more in order to avoid letting the rate of inflation go out of control. Inflation growth may seriously affect people’s lives as well as the Russian electorate in advance of the forthcoming parliamentary election in the Russian Federation, which is planned for the second part of the year.
With that being said, Mr. Soros assumes that a EU collapse may really help Vladimir Putin to hold on to his post of the Russian President and stay in power. More specifically, any EU disintegration may free Russia from most of those Western sanctions imposed on Russia by European nations. He also says that Russia will get some other benefits from such a scenario.
Russia’s existing policy in Syria is nothing but Putin’s desire to prepare Europe fro disintegration and collapse, Mr. Soros is convinced. All of you know that the military campaign in Syria escalated the migration of Syria refugees to EU countries, which happens to be a serious problem from the European Union undermining its stability. This problem is really capable of doing away with the EU, which now has to fight against 5 or 6 crises at a time, the financier says. That is the major reason why Putin cannot be seen as the West’s full-fledged ally in the war against the ISIS. Why some European leaders are seeing Russia as an ally, they are making a huge mistake, Mr. Soros warns. This leads us to believe that Russia and the EU are some kind of rivals competing for survival. The question is, who collapses first?
As for Russia’s foreign debt, they say it is obliged to pay some 60 billion dollars in January – September 2017. The famous financier, who can boast a huge fortune of $24,9 billion, has been actively criticizing Russia and the EU over the last few months.
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Soros Says Russia Will Go Broke In 2017
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:37:00 +0400 Forum for traders and investors
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"Many Latinos are an afterthought"
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