Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You Should Sign This, Too. Here's what this fight is all about: - - Gmail

Action Week, let's defeat  the FTA, it is on the floor today:

So criminal against the american worker, would pauperize most of Californians, who have hardly just passed, a $15 hourly wage, which will only be implemented State-wide in 2018.

Break Up Big Banks monopoly

'via Blog this'Here's the bottom line: If Congress passes Fast Track, the people you sent to Congress will voluntarily give up a huge amount of their power to change - or stop - bad trade deals.This week, Congress will vote on TPA (also known as "Fast Track").

Why is this so important? Fast Track would not just apply to President Obama's TPP deal... It would apply to any trade deal made over the next six years.

So if a Republican wins the White House in 2016, they will have the same Fast Track power to push a BAD trade deal through Congress.

So criminal against the american worker, would pauperize most of Californians, whuo have hardly just pass, a $15 hourly wage, which will only be implemented State-wide in 2018.Deals that hurt American workers, weaken environmental regulations, even undermine our rules on Wall Street.

Deals that hurt American workers, weaken environmental regulations, even undermine our rules on Wall Street.

Tell Congress: No 6-year Fast Track. No Fast Track for deals with ISDS or financial regulations. No Fast Track until the TPP is made public. Sign Elizabeth's petition.

Yes, signed today, May 20th, 2014. All content

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PO Box 290568
Boston, MA 02129

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